Would you like to do your job feeling comfortable over a stable, reliable and secure platform?
The offer:
Varied models of different brands and a spacious spectrum of prices, given the high variation of models and prices, these come defined parallel of a feasibility study and/or an offer. I supply workstations of all of types, portables, palms, servers and servers 19″ rack mounted, mono or multi processor.
Network Hardware and Cabling
It is possible to have a full service, that expect also the cabling of your network in professional manner. Hubs, switches, routers, modems and other network appliances are available.
Base System
Ssh, is an extremely secure protocol to use remote computer. Username and password come encrypted with public keys with lenght of 1024 bits. Smtp, allows to sort the email to Internet. Using this server is possible to be autonomous, the computer could be used for outgoing mail server; for example a direct email towards the address [email protected] will be delivered directly. Ntp, synchronizes the computer clock with one or more atomic clocks and serves it to other computers in the network. It’s a very important service in the case the computer comes attacked from ill-intentioned, because allows to cross the event log of the computer with every other computer event log in the internet. Custom Kernel, the kernel is the basic service of the operating system, in this case it will be recompiled to be optimized for the hardware you accommodate, so to decrease the resources used and to maximize the performance. Webmin, allows the administration of the computer via a web interface (for example using Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, etc.). It permits the creation of users, the shutdown of the system and similar things also to users not experts of linux.
Internet Module
Apache (web), the computer could serve web pages, in the network’s company or to the Internet Pop3, the computer could serve email messages to users, and it could be configured as an email incoming server. A user can receiive email and download to his personal computer. Imap, as below, there is one difference: the email messages are stored on the server computer; users can create directories and they can archive email on the server computer.
This technology consists in the utilization of two disk units. The server mirrors the informations in the two disk units, this way the server computer stops servicing data only if the two disk units broke. Of course it is possible to substitute a broken disk unit with a new one having few minutes with the information service stopped. Why duplicate disk unit instead of other components? The disk unit is a componed of both electronic and mechanical parts, so to wear and tear. the disk unit has the lower MBTF (Medium Time Between Failure), for the same reason.
Proxy Cache
A proxy-cache permits to control in an effective way what Internet sites are accessed by who. In the more complete configuration every person who uses Internet browsing has a username and a corresponding password as an id. Logs are written regarding users and sites visited, it is possible to setup lists of permitted and/or forbidden sites. It permits a huge improvment in term of bandwith utilization and performance, cause the 2th user that browse the same Internet page, it will be served by the proxy-cache, instead of the Internet web server.
The firevall module adds to the base module security functionalities, thus becoming a system suitable to protect your network and your workstations that use the Internet. It requires an adsl modem for the Internet connection.
The base system with this module is able to serve files to Apple computers, like Imac, G4 and G5. I suggest to use the Raid1 module too, to improve the availability of the system.
Samba Workgroup
This module permits to share directories and printers connected to the computer to your Microsoft network. Full compatibility with Microsoft’s systems, the security is low profile but it is very simple to use. It works very well with the Raid1 module, to improve the system’s availability and the Printer Server module, to share printers.
Samba Primary Domain Controller
Same functionalities of the module below, but with stronger security model. Every user must authenticate itself with username and password, before he/she can use network resources (shared folders, printers) offered by servers. It works very well with the Raid1 module, to improve the system’s availability and the Printer Server module, to share printers.
Printer Server
It configures a printer of almost any kind connected to the parallel port of the server. This printer is accessible as Postscript printer from your Unix systems and/or your network with appropriate module (Appletalk, Samba)
Fax Server
This module, together with one or more modems, each connected to a pstn line permits to the server to act as a powerful fax system. It is able to prcess more faxes in a parallel fashion (using two or more modems and lines). To send/receive/archive faxes an easy to use web interface is provided. Every user in the system has a username and password, one user has the specific duty to sort faxes to other users in the company. Addressee are informed with a short message about fax reception. All faxes sended and received are archived with a unique id and they can be classified.
Document Management
It catalogs, archives and search all your documents in a server via an easy web interface. It is possible to archive different file types, in different formats like Ms Word, Rtf, Pdf, mp3, etc. You can create a folder system of your flavour, mark “blocked” the files you are working on. You can send email with an attached file. Users can be notified via email of file changes. It is possible to associate one or more keyword to each document, for an easy retrieval.
Search Engine
This module permits to search for words or sentences in all the document repository. The repository can be realised in any way (the simplest is a folder system). Of course to implement the repository the Document Management module can be utilized. It supports searches on different file formats, like rtf, Ms Word, Pdf, etc. You can index on html documents and/or Internet sites that you use frequently.
Customer Relationship Management
It keeps timetracks of all the activities of your company, and of the relationship with customers. It uses the Project/Product/task/subtask/bugs model, keeping tracks of all activities. It can produce invoices, and it features a user’s calendar, that can be shared with other users. An easy web interface is provided, it can be run under ssl cryprography. An ideal solution for small/medium enterprises, also it produces Gantt diagrams. It helps the job of your employs, maximising the collaboration and the communication of them. It is offered at a convenient price.