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News – – coWiki is a free (GPL) tool written in PHP 5 which creates a collaborative website that gathers, organizes and extends knowledge. It can manage text documents and binaries, act like a weblog or organize knowledge bases such as FAQs. In many senses, it is very like a wiki. (What is a wiki?)coWiki provides an easy way to maintain and discuss its documents. It also provides a fast way for qualified contributors to create content online, using a simple and easy to apply markup language without needing HTML editing skills.coWiki is template based, multilingual and modular. It’s is free under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Maybe coWiki is something for you or your team?
Bes-Cms – welcome – bes-cms is an open source multiuser application server written in PHP and using Mysql. bes-cms is the ideal tool for developing web sites, intranets, backup systems web blogs and whatever you may be able to think of.
Linux Today – Linux News On Internet Time. :: :: Latest News – MimerDesk is a web-based collaborative learning and groupwork environment designed for a wide variety of uses such as personal management, computer-supported collaborative learning, carrying out projects, and setting up communities. Its main strengths include a very customizable group system which allows many groups to work simultaneously on a shared database with tools like Projects, Calendar, Tasks, Forums, Links, Chat, Reviews, Voting, Files, Instant Messages, Profiles, and many more.
Moodle – A Free, Open Source Course Management System for Online Learning – Moodle is a course management system (CMS) – a software package designed to help educators create quality online courses. Such e-learning systems are sometimes also called Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). One of the main advantages of Moodle over other systems is a strong grounding in social constructionist pedagogy.
Soluciones – Build It Fast o BIF fue ideado por Lunix como una necesidad para la creación de un sistema basado en web que debía realizarse en un plazo corto.Se basa en el diseño orientado a objetos para crear widgets que se reutilizarán facilmente en las distintas páginas de la aplicación. Este sitio esta hecho con BIF v. 3.0